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N° de référence Moniteur : 9567221

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Rock 'n Roll Classics
Lieu Gistelsteenweg 4
8490 Varsenare (Brugge)
Tel. +32 50 737571
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Voici quelques conseils pour éviter de se faire piéger lors de la recherche et fuir l'escroquerie.
Caractéristiques générales
Marque Porsche
T.V.A récupérable Non
Détails du véhicule
Carburant Essence
Nombre de vitesses 4
Nbre de places 4
Nbre de portes 2
Sous garantie 12
Données techniques
Cylindrée (cm3) 1600 cc
Nbre de cylindres 4
Kw / Ch 54 / 73

  • Matching numbers
  • Extensive history
  • Beautiful color combination

During the turbulent war years, amidst the chaos, Ferdinand "Ferry" Porsche and his dedicated team began developing the legendary Porsche 356. The 356 was produced in four different series: the original "pre-A," followed by the 356 A, 356 B and finally the 356 C. In terms of appearance, the C series showed little difference from the B series.

Our beautiful Porsche 356 found her way to a proud owner on March 5, 1964 and to this day features the original (matching numbers) 616/15 type engine.
The gorgeous Ivory paint color makes a delightful combination with the red leather interior and absolutely completes the picture of this coupe. At the first look at the interior, it quickly becomes clear that the dashboard and styling of this car were way ahead of their time. The Porsche 356 exudes classic elegance, both inside and out. The leather-clad seats, updated green dials and generous legroom make the Porsche 356 an extremely luxurious classic.
Thanks to the overhaul of the 1600cc engine, every ride in this car is a pleasure. The engine, transmission and suspension perform their duties with such ease that every ride is not only smooth, but also worry-free. Moreover, this model was the first in the series to be equipped with disc brakes, which is a significant improvement over the earlier drum brakes. You can effortlessly spend hours on the road with this car: the steering, brakes and clutch are so light that you never have to struggle with the car. It is almost as if you forget that you are driving a 1960s vintage car.

Nothing is missing from this car, from the original maintenance bills to the certificate of authenticity. Everything has been meticulously maintained. And thanks to its interesting year of construction and driving experience, this Porsche 356 is the ideal companion to participate in almost any rally.

Come discover it now at Rock 'N Roll Classics

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